Opening Hours

Day Hours
Monday-Friday8:00am - 6:00pm
Saturday8:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday9:00am - 10:00am

After hours? Please call 0447 147 780

Spring is here!


Spring is here! Unfortunately, though, it is not only us humans that enjoy this change in season. With the warmer weather, we see an increase in flea and tick populations, leading to larger numbers of tick paralysis, flea dermatitis and flea anaemia cases coming through our Vet Surgery doors. Also, our reptilian friends are more active in the heat, so snake bite cases become increasingly common leading into the Summer months.

Plants start to grow rapidly, producing more flowers and adding to our numbers of poisoning and contact dermatitis cases, and cane toads start to come out of their semi-dormant states, leading to more toad toxicity cases. But do not despair, many of these problems have relatively easy courses of management:

  • To reduce the risk of snake bites, make sure your pets play area is free of garden debris, piles of leaves and branches, and keeping your grass low.
  • Flea and tick problems can be greatly reduced by preventative treatment such as monthly or three monthly medicated chew, flea/tick collars, spot ons, sprays, and regular tick checks of your pet.
  • Plant allergies and toxin ingestion can be helped by reducing contact with or clearing your yard of known problem plants such as Lilies, Brunfelsia, Inch Plant, Purple Heart, Turtle Vine and Rhoeo.
  • Empty outdoor water bowls overnight if not in use, and keep garden drainage clear to reduce pet exposure to toads.

Most importantly, if your pet does have any of these common Spring problems, be sure to seek veterinary

